The Origin of Sex
I came across this entry about the origin of sexual reproduction:
The Origin of Sex: Cosmic Solution to Ancient Mystery
By Robert Roy Britt, Senior Science Writer, posted: 10 July 2001
"Now a new study out of Caltech and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory has used digital organisms to simulate life before sex and yielded a possible mechanism for instigating Earth's first courtship.
Comet or asteroid impacts could have stressed asexual organisms enough to send them down the path of sexual reproduction after forcing a flurry of genetic mutations, the study shows. Heavy doses of radiation might also have done the trick."
At present, there is no satisfactory naturalistic (that is to say, evolutionary) theory to explain how sexual reproduction came about. Sexual reproduction gives rise to variation in offspring, but at such a tremendous cost to the species that in evolutionary terms it makes no sense.
The Bible states that Eve was a product of Adam's body, and if all sexually reproducing animals were created in the same way, with the female being created from the original created creature, this would explain how God created sex and why such creatures only reproduce after their own "kind."
This notion is more fully explored in my book, Overcoming Prejudice in the Evolution/Creation Debate: Developing an integrative approach to Science and Christianity.