Gary Chiang

Developing an Integrative Approach
to Science and Christianity

Sunday, August 20, 2006

So what is the Seed of Adam?

In Genesis 3:15, God said that he will put enmity between the serpent and the woman (notice, it's the woman... no mention of Adam), and between the serpent's seed and the woman's seed.
In his book, The Seed of the Woman, Arthur Custance uses both science and fundamental Christian theology to argue that the seed of the woman is the ovum (see
If the Bible is correct theologically and historically, then what is the seed of Adam? Why was it not mentioned in Genesis 3? Did it ever exist, and if so, what became of it?


At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First the seed of the woman still has to be the seed of Adam because there is no way for conception without Adam's seed. So even though the Bible says the woman's seed it still has be Adam's because it came from Adam. The Bible does mention that they had relations so it had to be Adam's seed. There is nothing mentioned about the Holy Spirt conception as we do with Mary and Jesus.

The second thing is the seed of Adam repesents two things. #1 is the whole human race. #2. Sin and Death. As far as did it ever exist? yes and it still exists today with all humanity and its sinfulness but there is still hope in Christ, Jesus. What became of it? what you see in this world today with all its corruption and sinfulness but Jesus will come soon and bring the final judgement.

Now also seed means offspring it doesn't mean her seeds because women cannot produce seeds so it is certain that the seed is from Adam what God was telling Eve is that He would put enmity between the serpent and her children. Now enmity means hate, or hostility.

Other intrepretations say that this where God put the curse on the serpent and that man will have dominion over it. And also this is the seperation between God's people and Satan's people. Also through the lineage of Adam to David will come Judah Jesus Christ and crush the serpents head which He did that by dieing on the Cross and resurrecting signifing that He has victory over Satan, Sin, and death.


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